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A Good Press Release Example Теmрlаtе

Press release writing

Іn thіs guіdе, wе рrеsеnt tо thе рublіс а gооd, fоundаtіоnаl рrеss rеlеаsе ехаmрlе thаt’s а stаndаrd tеmрlаtе уоu саn usе tо guіdе уоu іn wrіtіng а grеаt рrеss rеlеаsе. Fееl frее tо usе thіs tеmрlаtе аnd fіll іt іn sо уоu саn mаkе сеrtаіn аll оf thе еlеmеnts оf уоur рrеss rеlеаsе аrе рrеsеnt. There are many principles to writing press releases, and these can easily be viewed.

However, finding a written press release case isn’t easy to come by, which is why we present this case to you. Bear in mind, press releases are for publication, whether on the net or in magazines or newspapers. Keep it relevant and right to the point, and you are on the right track.


CONTACT: [put here your email address, phone number, your company’s website or some other contact information that readers and journalists can use to reach you if they have additional questions]


[make your headline catchy, such as “Apple Develops Phone That Can Print from Handset. ” Having a fantastic headline is crucial for you and to your readers because it’s the first thing everyone will read. If your headline isn’t unique but exceptionally boring, nobody will bother reading your post, and your press release will go straight to the recycling bin. It should be centered too.]


_____[organization]___ is pleased to deliver to you the acclaimed iPhone that has the distinct ability to print from the handset itself. The new iPhone, iPhone 10, is set to launch on____[date]____, at ____[time]___. The launch of the iPhone 10 will be launched in _____[venue]______ and its expected price is ____[price]_____ and will be available at ____[branches]____.

[Always include the who, what, when, where, how and why in your first paragraph. Assume that readers won’t take the time to read the rest of your article, so important information should be at the start of your press release. These six elements must always be present or else the reader will grapple for more information, and it may not be available in your press release.]

Apple, the acclaimed company that pioneered the iPad, iPod and the iPhone has released the latest version of the cellular phone which can print in the handset. The handset comes equipped with ink and printer, enabling it to print directly in the handset. The ink, known as iInk, will be released together with iPaper, both of which will be launched together with the iPhone 10. These utilize cutting edge technology so you can print documents without needing another printer.

The iPhone is considered one of the best cell phone to be released in the market. Combining the iPhones most outstanding features and the ability to print, the iPhone 10 is revolutionary and will change how offices work. You can be mobile and print your documents wherever you are. Seamlessly combining a touchscreen display and a printer, the iPhone 10 is set to be the world’s first printer-phone and should be considered the top device at this time.

“The iPhone 10 will be my lasting legacy in this world. Although a lot of critics say it is not possible, well, Apple makes everything possible,” says the late CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs.

[Try to include at least one quotation from a reputable source in your press release. The quotation can be from an expert in the area or the firm ‘s CEO, marketing head, or politician. Never quote “anonymous” as this brings your press release’s authenticity a hundred-fold.]

Apple representatives can answer additional questions that you might have. You may contact them at ____[contact number]____ and set up an interview at a convenient time.

Please see Apple’s website at ____[place link here, make it a profound link, and not only the homepage]___ to find out more.

You could also check out John Doe’s blog about the iPhone 10 in ____[insert link to the entry here]___.

We hope following this press release case has helped you out.

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